Should you trade when you're poorly?
On Wednesday afternoon this week I started to feel unwell and I made the decision not to trade. Although I had a brief glance at news articles during the FOMC decision, I felt the wisest decision I could make was to recouperate and take a day off. When I was reading the articles, it struck me that everything was pointing to a 'risk on' market mood and with hindsight, if I had placed a trade it would have hit profit. But I have a strict policy of only trading when I feel in the correct mindset. And on Wednesday I didn't feel right, so I don't regret not trading. It's a personal decision that each individual must make for themselves of knowing when you are in the correct mindset to make a decision you are confident in. If that means you miss a trade, that's ok, the important thing is to remember, you are trying to make a decision you would still stand by tomorrow. Which often means staying patient and not trading. But there will always be another trade just around the corner. (As proved by today's Friday afternoon trade). So, stick to your principles, gain enough knowledge and only make decisions you would stand by tomorrow. And then the results will speak for themselves in the long run.
Weekly review to follow: if you have any questions, feel free to email: