Friday 17 January: Home without water.
Due to a burst water pipe in the local area, my home is currently without water. Apparently the burst pipe is situated underneath a river and it's very difficult to fix. It has disrupted the water supply to an area covering about 50 miles and it could be a few days until water is returned to thousands of homes and businesses.
Of course, all the local shops have now sold out of bottled water, which means I'm currently on mission to find water. It also means I might be growing a beard for the first time in my life.
Joking aside, it is a stark reminder how precarious our living situation can be.
I won't be trading today, although it is Friday and chances are I wouldn't have placed a trade anyway. Trading wise, it's been a slightly disappointing week personally, with a couple of 'rash decisions' which I will cover in the weekly review.
For now, I'll try to find some water and wish you a pleasant weekend.
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