Forming your own opinion 'in the moment'
This blog was never intended to be a signals service, my 'hope' is for you to study my decisions, the reason for those decisions. And along the way you'll pick up the correlations, fundamentals, market narrative, the potential risks of any trade taken and ultimately feel comfortable making your own decisions.
It's all about understanding the strategy (fundamentals reacting to correlations) and feeling confident you have enough knowledge of the market narrative to form an opinion.
And that opinion can only be based on the information you have 'at that moment in time'.
Once we make a decision, the world continues to flow and sometimes I'll send a 'newsletter' of my thoughts. And by the time you've read it, those thoughts may be rendered invalid.
Which is why it's important for you to form your own opinion.
If there is anything you're struggling with regarding the strategy or having confidence in the right time to place a trade, please don't hesitate to send me an email. There are no wrong thoughts or questions, anything you're wondering, I'm pretty sure I've wondered it myself.